Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More Valentine's

Yes, I know the holiday has been over for nearly two weeks.  But, I am very behind in posting about our daily adventures.  I have the best of intentions to keep up with this blog.  I manage to update fairly frequently for a week or two, and then go weeks without posting anything... and it isn't for a lack of "material".  I have all kinds of posts written up in my head and hundreds of photos taken each month.  But, I am busy.  And I am tired.  And the best of intentions doesn't seem to make it happen.

Valentine's Day has come and gone, but I didn't post pictures of our sugar cookie making party.  Ever since finding Amanda's blog I Am Baker I've become increasingly more interested in baking sugar cookies.  She does an amazing job creating and frosting cookies.  Check out her blog.

The kids see her stuff and beg me to help them make them.  I am not one who enjoys making sugar cookies in particular.  It. Is. Way. Too. Messy!  - especially with four children.  This particular day, however, I managed to put aside my exhaustion and bake with the kids.  They were delighted.  And our sweet concoctions, while not looking the best, tasted amazingly good.
Andrew's General Grievous heart shaped cookie!


karina said...


And you're like me on keeping up with the blog. No worries. ;)

Amanda said...

Your cookies turned out perfectly!! I love love love that!! Great color choices too!


Anonymous said...
