Monday, December 8, 2008

The Illusive Christmas Card Photo

It's that time of year again.... the annual struggle to get your offspring to pose for a photo for your Christmas cards. Someone is always missing, looking away, crying, hiding, you name it.....Three children lying under the tree.... a pretty good picture for the three... bribery is paying off.... then add the youngest member of the family... It's a definite no go.... not going to happen.
He wants nothing to do with lying under the tree. He wants to explore the tree.... After all, this is the first time there hasn't been a huge plastic gate surrounding the tree. He can actual get his hands on the ornaments. Prior to this he has had to find various sticks or toys to bat at the ornaments. Now it's easy, too easy.

Time for a new location. Got the three older ones looking up, but no Nathan.
Got Nathan, but no Alex.
Once again, got a couple of kids, but not all four.
Are we having fun yet?
Maybe we could try for individual photos... Nathan first... since it is bedtime and melt down time. Could you please get your tongue in your mouth? How about hands out of the mouth?
Do you think you could smile? I know I'm pushing it, but this looks like a mug shot. Guess we'll give up and move on to Elizabeth. This one looks pretty good!
There, now we have three... sort of.... all eyes are up... just missing one child! I love this one of Elizabeth looking at Santa!
There we go... got all four of them all looking fairly good... but, darn, it doesn't crop to the right dimensions for a Christmas card! It's a keeper, but not for a card!

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