Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Sunday the older three kids and I took our annual trip to Cape Cod to visit with Meme. For the past few years she has rented a cottage at the end of May in Sandwich. The kids think that naming a town "Sandwich" is the funniest thing in the world. I love the laughter coming from the back seat as we approach the town. And I love the beach, dunes, and the grass waving in the breeze. The kids love the sand, digging tunnels, wading in the water.....
I do too. I didn't, however, like the rain! We didn't pick the best of days to travel to the Cape, but it didn't phase the kids one bit.
They dug in the sand, and I relaxed on the porch and enjoyed the view....
.... through the lens of my camera, of course.

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