Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Alex Versus Bike

Our beautiful boy with the big brown eyes took quite a tumble last Friday... and I win the "mean Mommy" award. :(

It was a gorgeous day outside and I was determined that we were going to enjoy it.... no indoor play, no television... but outdoor fun, soaking up the sunshine, getting some exercise.... The kids opted for a trip to the park, but once we arrived, they saw the large numbers of kids out on the playground and decided they wanted nothing to do with it (stimulus overload)... so we came home and I insisted that we go on a bike ride. Alex was adamant that he was NOT going to ride his bike....
I prevailed and we made one loop around the neighborhood. Alex wanted to go in, but I insisted that we go around one more time.... all was well until Alex rounded the last curve before going up our driveway.... he took a nasty spill.

End result - six stitches on his chin, abrasions on his face and back. Poor kid.

Maybe I should have stopped after one "lap" around the neighborhood. :)

What's the liklihood that I'm going to persuade him to get rid of his training wheels now?

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